Profound view of the meridian theory, the content of the body acupuncture points, acupuncture, moxibustion, massage and other methods of operation is complex, non-specifically learning the trainer should not be hasty purposes, they are liable to lead to accidents. However, as good health, now choose is easy to grasp and safe and effective meridian points Regimen to be introduced.
1 Click the Fengfu: palms palm root affixed to the ear, hands middle finger bent fingertips head the midline to the Fengfu about 1 minute, moderate strength. Fengfu Du channel hole, often click this point can prevent head, neck pain, stroke prevention.
2 points Baihui Sishencong: palms palm root paste the head on both sides, then hands the middle finger pulp in turn point to head Baihui, and Sishencong hole, about 3 minutes, moderate strength. The Baihui hole for the Du channel, Sishencong for Foreign Economic acupoint, head of Zhu Yang will often click this hole, can prevent headaches, dizziness, insomnia, forgetfulness, rectal prolapse, Yin Ting and other evidence.
3 the point YINTANG: hands middle finger fingertip press eyebrows the middle YINTANG hole, about 1 minute. Yin-Tang acupoint by outside regular click this hole, can prevent forehead headache, epistaxis, Biyuan and other certificates.
5, the point of the temple: hands middle finger pulp, rub both sides of the temple point method and kneading method combined, about 1 minute. The sun by the outside acupoint often point Click to hole can prevent headaches, eye diseases Syndromes.
6 points among: the left hand middle finger pulp among the points. People, also known as the ditch, Du Meridian points, points amine this point is refreshing refreshing for delirium, convulsions, and lumbar, pain, and other cards.
7, take seats, pinch his right thumb and fingertips in the red hole in the left hand and little finger little red hole, then turn to the right hand thumb points by Hoku, Lieque points Neiguan, but also point press the left the right hand of the 10 declared hole. For the left hand pointing press the right upper limb points, acupuncture points Ibid.
Long adherence can play a role in running the blood, fitness illnesses.
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